
Scattered clouds
Wind: 10 mph


This is your personal dashboard. You can view and manage your events here.



Add Event

This information will be used to add an event into your personal calendar.

Are you sure you want to delete this event? This event will be permanently deleted. This action cannot be undone.


Share Event

Enter the user name of the person you want to share this
event and all it's details with.

Share Event

Import Timetable

Login to you eVision account and navigate to your timetable view,
select timeline view, then select all of the text on the page and paste it here.

Login to eVision here

Tutorial GIF

After you paste your timetable, click the button below to import it into your calendar.
It will automatically download a .ics file so you can upload it to your Google Calendar.

Event Shared

You have been shared an event from . Do you want to add it to your calendar?


Find Free Time

Enter the user names of the people you want to find free time with.

Find Free Time

Free Time

Here are the free times you and your friends have in common.


Edit Event

This information will be used to edit an event in your personal calendar.